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We are indeed in an era where God speaks much more than he did in the old covenant. Unfortunately and yes unfortunately we so often misunderstand his promises, what we are supposed to do with them...

The idea for this article first came to us while reading this passage in the book of Exodus where what sounds like an inconsistency occurred after God formally called Moses to Himself for the liberation of his people (Exodus 3 and 4). As soon as the instructions about the mission were given, it was revealed to us that the Lord wanted Moses to die for disobedience (Exodus 4:24-26). To be precise, God was still communicating, since it is only after this incident that his meeting with Aaron is told to us. What does this episode of the life of Moses, of the history of Israel, of the “prehistory” of the Church reveal to us: Whatever the promise God makes to you, He will never break it, you nevertheless have a indisputable responsibility, an irreplaceable responsibility.

We are in an era where we so often welcome the promises of God made to us personally, concerning our family, our Nation, but we must absolutely remember something fundamental: the promises of God at a certain level will never be accomplished despite us! Moses had received a mission from God, but this did not put him in a position to be able to disobey God with impunity; he almost died before even beginning to accomplish the mission. Paul centuries later tells us that he keep under his body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when he has preached to others, he himself should be a castaway. (1 Corinthians 9:27)

Yes my brother you knew Christ well, yes the prophecies about you were accurate, yes your Nation is blessed by God. But my brother, my dear brother, my dear sister, God's promises take nothing away, absolutely nothing from our responsibilities, from our constraints as children of God, let us be careful not to deceive ourselves. Our Salvation, our blessing are acquired yes yes, but only if we remain obedient. There is nothing philosophical about this, it is simply an inalienable Law of Almighty God. So without giving in to fear in any way because God will remain our Strength; let us know while we rejoice in the wonderful promises of God, keep our eyes focused on our Lord Jesus Christ so that by His Strength we remain obedient and can indeed see his promises, his prophecies be fulfilled for our great happiness; but above all for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and that of the Father God most high!

O Lord Almighty God, grant us to understand your spiritual laws and to comply with them every day until your return. For your supreme promise relating to our Salvation; but also for each of these promises each of these prophecies which must be fulfilled during our life, or after us and in which we must modestly participate by remaining obedient! For our part, O God by your grace we will be obedient... oh may our other brothers and sisters in Christ be so too! O May Your Holy Spirit move on this inhabited earth and thus accelerate our preparation for your return, you the Bridegroom, O our Lord Jesus Christ!

To You the Glory, the magnificence and the celebration from eternity to eternity!
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

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