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After a failure, it is quite natural to find yourself in desolation. And in a state of vulnerability, the enemy is so often quick to make suggestions that, if we accept them, will cost us so dearly.


Never commit an abomination in order to hide a scandal
In general, we all fear that one day we will be the cause of a scandal, that our reputation will be tarnished because of a moral failing on our part. However, it is imperative to keep one thing in mind: even if it happens that we sin, rather than committing a second sin, generally worse, in order to cover the first, let us rather accept to turn spontaneously towards God to repent, and to men if necessary to confess our fault, even if it means becoming the laughing stock of many. To support our point, we will take the example of King David, then others often encountered within the Church.

David had committed the sin of adultery with Uriah's wife. He was not a man who led a life characterized by adultery, but a moment, a season of straying had been enough for his companion in sin to become pregnant. But rather than repent before God who had thus exposed his sin and confess to his husband who would know it anyway because he was not with his wife during the long period surrounding the facts, rather than repent, David chose to cover his sin. But his plan did not work as hoped, the valiant soldier whom he sent home while the fighting was in progress, refused to go to his wife while his brothers in arms risked their lives for the Nation of Israel. So, running out of stratagems, and wanting whatever it took to avoid scandal, he resolved to do the worst: to the sin of adultery, he added that of assassination, for fear of seeing the scandal break out, he rushed hopelessly in a more terrible sin, an abomination; orchestrating a plot to kill a soldier devoted to the country: this is the worst act of treason that a king can commit towards his fellow citizen. (2 Samuel 11)

With such disconcerting similarity, we see the same story repeating itself today. How many young girls discovering that they have become pregnant after an umpteenth or very first act of fornication have not resolved to commit crimes: killing this little child barely conceived for fear of becoming the laughing stock of the neighborhood, the family. Getting pregnant is not a sin, but having a sexual act outside of marriage is a sin before the Lord. Then the only correction to make is not to remove the child, since that is not the sin, but rather to repent of the immoral sexual act which is at the origin.

Yes, it could happen that we are at the origin of a more or less resounding scandal, but let us know how to rise immediately before the Lord who will know how to restore us, he, the most high God. In any case, we sincerely hope that this will never happen to you in the future, but if this is already the case, then we urge you to listen to the voice of the Lord or rather to pray that you know how to bring the Council of God to this person around you who would find themselves in such a situation.


Never lose sight of the goal (the end goal)
We are now approaching a second mistake that should never be made following a “failure”.
The disciples of the Lord Jesus once found themselves in a situation where they were the victims of an affront, and as they were about to call down fire on these evil people, The Lord rebuked them about the manner of spirit that moved them. (Luke 9:51-56)
Some failures are often welcome, because they highlight the fact that our motivation has changed along the way. It so often happens that after having begun with the Spirit, we arrive at a phase of the fight where we continue the fight, no longer for the Lord, but for ourselves; in reality it ceases to be for the glory of the Lord, but we now perceive the obstacles, the failures, as affronts to our person, personal challenges to be taken up,...No, no, let's be careful not to be animated by the same type of spirit to which the Lord was referring when speaking to his disciples at that time. May never hatred, pride, the glory of this world become our motives. Yes, there will always be “biblical” passages to give us a clear conscience, but let us not forget that even the devil gave some to the Lord during the temptation in the desert. So let us pray, supplicate, invoke the Lord, so that never, following “failure”, affronts on the part of men, “endless” moments of waiting for the manifestation of God's promise as with the people of Israel awaiting the return of Moses from the mountain (here symbolizing Christ in heaven), let us beware, I say, of turning away from the holy faith in God and in his Christ Jesus, to indulge in doctrines of demons, including the goal is nothing other than to distance us from God the Father and His Christ Jesus.

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