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The purpose of this article is to reveal to you, whatever your life has been so far, that it is still possible to experience a wonderful future with God, God continues to love you, God continues to call you to Him, God always wants to forgive you and give you the opportunity to experience a Christian life whose brilliance you don't even realize!


Jesus was once with a Pharisee named Simon who invited him to come and eat at his house. Also was present, an infamous prostitute. But during supper she was seized by the Love of God, and began to cry, and soon she wet Jesus' feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, kissed them and anointed them with the ointment. (Luke 7:36 to 50).

The deplorable sinful condition of this woman was well known to the people, especially to the host of Jesus Christ. But how can we explain that Christ was interested in the life of such an unsavory person?

The Lord Jesus Christ, son of the Most High God, was made flesh so that he could serve as a ransom for each of our lives, whatever it has been up to this day. Christ was sacrificed for each of us as a pure and spotless Lamb. We all have actions that we have committed, behaviors that we have adopted to this day or during a period of our past life. Acts, behaviors that deep down we are ashamed of, for which we are deeply sorry. And which for some of us, has led them to discouragement, leading them to say that they are too impure to be saved by God. Are you, like Mary Magdalene, a prostitute in your life, have you committed abortions to cover up your crimes? Have you been a sexual wanderer, delighting in counting the girls you have seduced? Who did you make lose their virginity? Have you committed murders in acts of theft or revenge? Have you been admitted to one or more school exams through cheating? ……Perhaps I haven't addressed the sin you committed that shames you the most. But Christ also died for you. The story of Mary Magdalene is only given to us by the Scriptures as an example. We could also cite the example of Zaccheus, leader of the publicans (Luke 19: 1 to 10), or of the man who died on the Cross with the Lord Jesus Christ and who clearly recognized that he deserved his fate. (Luke 23:39 to 43)


To return to Mary Magdalene, the quality of her repentance perfectly reflects how much she regretted and was sorry for the life she had led until then: The feet in Jewish tradition are organs in contact with defilement since they It is through them that we are in contact with the ground. That's why when we had a guest, we gave them something to clean themselves with. The head, on the other hand, is the most honored organ of the human body, since it is it which directs the body, and the hair with which it is covered represents, for women in particular, its glory! Mary Magdalene, after wetting her King's feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair. As if to say to Christ, all that is precious and glorious in me, I submit it under your footstool, I place it at your feet. Is there any better repentance?! Her Love, as Jesus emphasizes, was so great that God allowed that through this act of repentance, it was she who anointed (in advance) the Body of Christ for its burial (Reread the same story in Matthew 26: 6 to 13) . Indeed, when people came to anoint the Body of Jesus Christ, it had already been resurrected, only the oil of Mary Magdalene had been used. Whatever sins you have committed so far, whatever regrettable your past may be, it could be greater or less than that of Mary Magdalene, it could be more or less great than mine who is writing this article, but Christ reassures us that his Salvation is for each of us, God tells us expressly through Isaiah
Isaiah 1:18: “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

Here is a prayer of repentance that you could take inspiration from, it is not a matter of reciting it necessarily, but of reading it, and if you approve of the terms, then use it freely to speak to God your Creator: LORD Almighty God, like Mary Magdalene I have committed sins that I deeply regret, I have led a life for which I repent today. By the Blood of Jesus Christ, Your Lamb slain for me, I pray that You will wash me and purify me from all sin. I beg You to make me Your Child! Please give me a heart white as snow. And for the rest of my life, I commit to following You and doing Your Will, counting on Your Grace and Your Strength!

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!


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