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In our age corrupted by the wisdom of this world which is foolishness with God (1 Corinthians 3:19), we often find ourselves saying, when a reproach is made against us, that "we have spoken the truth", but to tell the truth, Truth is not a set of facts, Truth is a Person, it is Christ, the expression of His thought, the manifestation of His will. So if we cannot claim to have acted in accordance with God's will, then at worst let us remain silent, at best let us recognize our failure, but above all let us be careful not to claim to have spoken the truth, because it is not the case!


The truth, the expression of the thought of Christ,

When the devil tempted our Lord to the point of quoting passages of Scripture, was he lying? Yes, he was lying! Because he left out words? No, because he used it to fight against the Truth, against Christ the Truth. Every time we act against the Truth, we make ourselves liars. Indeed, the vocation of the Christian is not simply to “tell the truth”, to reveal facts, but rather to express the Truth, to express divine Thought.


Supposedly proven facts are not necessarily the Truth,

It happens that some people share supposedly confidential information and subsequently justify their indelicacy by arguing that they have told the “truth”. Others often allow themselves to utter derogatory words about others and later defend themselves by claiming to have told the “truth.” Saying to/about your fellow man “you are really stupid”, “she is not very beautiful” is in no way a truth, it cannot be the thought of God, the Truth.


A lying silence,

To silence a truth from your fiancée, which she is supposed to know, is to lie to her by your silence. Keeping one's identity secret in certain circumstances can turn out to be a lie and even a betrayal of Christ. We need discernment to know when our silence becomes an act of cowardice, a lie.


Beyond “words”, the Lie or the Truth translates into “actions”

To lie is not necessarily to say unproven facts, it is to distort their meaning, to lie is to go against the Truth, which is none other than Christ. We would go so far as to say that it is not enough to be careful not to “lie”, but we must avoid living a lie. Committing adultery is not lying, but living a lie. This is pretending that you have another spouse. Not to live the life of Christ, not to do the will of Christ, is to live a lie, as it is written: "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." 1 John 2:22


In a word, my brothers and sisters, let us be careful not to play into the hands of the evil one by playing with words. To do the will of Christ is to be in the Truth, to go against His will is to be in a lie.

Eternal God help us, we pray to you as children of Light, to live and remain in the Truth, in the will of Christ our Lord!


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